Athlete's Profile

Year of birth: 1973

Athlete's Information

Tunbridge Wells

 Athlete's Results

Waterski 24GBR013 Over 45 M Slalom 10 4.50/46
Over 45 M Overall 2 1670 4.50/46 15.5m
Over 45 M Tricks 4 1670 860
Over 45 M Jump 3 14.5m 15.5m
Waterski 24GBR005 Over 45 M Slalom 4 3.50/55/14.25 3.50/40 4.50/55/14.25
Waterski 23GBR007 Over 45 M Tricks 2 900 1060
Over 45 M Slalom 7 5.00/55/14.25
Over 45 M Jump 2 14.0m 14.9m
Over 45 M Overall 1 5.00/55/14.25 14.9m 1060
Waterski 22GBR012 Over 45 M Jump 3 13.9m 12.2m
Over 45 M Slalom 4 3.00/55/13.00 3.00/55/13.00
Over 45 M Tricks 2 1330 630
Over 45 M Overall 2 3.00/55/13.00 13.9m 1330
Waterski 19GBR005 Over 45 M Slalom 6 1.50/55/13.00 4.50/55/14.25 1.50/55/13.00
Waterski 19GBR014 Over 45 M Tricks 1 1780 1320
Over 45 M Slalom 6 3.50/55/13.00
20 Jul 2019Sultan of SlalomGBR
Waterski 19GBR006 Over 45 M Slalom 6 4.00/55/13.00 2.50/55/14.25 1.50/55/13.00
Waterski 18GBR005 Over 35 M Slalom 2 4.00/55/13.00 3.50/55/14.25 3.50/55/14.25
Waterski 18GBR021 Over 35 M Tricks 1 590 710
Over 35 M Slalom 2 3.50/55/13.00 3.00/55/13.00
Waterski 18GBR004 Over 35 M Slalom 2 3.50/22 1.50/55/12.00 2.50/22
Waterski 17GBR006 Over 35 M Slalom 1 5.00/55/14.25 1.50/55/13.00 3.00/55/13.00
Waterski 16GBR017 Over 35 M Tricks 1 1230 660
Over 35 M Slalom 4 2.00/55/14.25 4.00/22
22 Jul 2016Wiremill OpenGBR
Waterski 16GBR016 Over 35 M Slalom 1 2.00/55/14.25 5.00/55/14.25
25-26 Jul 2015Senior NationalsGBR
Waterski 15GBR014 Over 35 M Slalom 2 2.00/49 2.50/55/14.25
11-12 Jul 2015Wiremill OpenGBR
Waterski 15GBR017 Over 35 M Tricks 1 1020 930 1000
Over 35 M Slalom 2 5.50/55/14.25 4.50/22 3.50/55/14.25 3.00/55/14.25
Waterski 14GBR006 Over 35 M Tricks 1 470
Over 35 M Slalom 1 1.00/55/13.00 1.00/55/13.00 3.50/55/14.25 2.50/55/14.25
Waterski 13GBR007 Over 35 M Jump 1 10.80 11.60
Over 35 M Tricks 1 1120 820
Over 35 M Slalom 1 1.00/55/13.00 2.00/55/14.25
26 Jul 2013Wiremill 2 Round SlalomGBR
Waterski 13GBR005 Over 35 M Slalom 2 3.50/22 4.00/55/14.25