Athlete's Profile

Year of birth: 2000

Athlete's Information


 Athlete's Results

Cableski 13CZEC01 Under 15 F Slalom 3 2.00/43 3.00/43
Cableski 12CZEC01 Under 15 F Tricks 7 310 240
Under 15 F Slalom 6 3.00/43 2.50/43
7-8 Jul 2012Puchar EuropyPOL
Cableski 12POLC01 Under 15 F Tricks 7 240
Under 15 F Slalom 4 2.50/43
Cableski 11SVKC01 Under 15 F Slalom 8 5.00/40
Under 15 F Tricks 7 800
23-24 Jul 2011Grand Prix of the CablePOL
Cableski 11POLC01 Under 15 F Tricks 5 100
Under 15 F Slalom 6 0.00/22
Cableski 11CZEC01C Under 15 F Slalom 6 1.50/22
Under 15 F Tricks 6 560
Cableski 10CZEC01 Under 15 F Tricks 5 320 320
Cableski 10POLC04 Under 15 F Tricks 10 240
1-2 Aug 2009Grand Prix of Cable 2009CZE
Cableski 09CZEC01 Under 15 F Tricks 6 80
25-26 Jul 2009Grand Prix of Cable 2009SVK
Cableski 09SVKC01 Under 15 F Tricks 7 40
19-20 Jul 2008Grand Prix of Cable 2008CZE
Cableski 08CZE01 Under 15 F Tricks 3 40 40