EMS Newsletter #16


Content: Special Edition "Officials" - Check your “My Jury Panel” account to see your invitations - Some additional tips for the Scorers/Calculators - EMS Mail Tool - Working for you! A few EMS enhancements in preparation to ease your job - And some home work for you next winter, just in case you miss the water, sun and EMS… Update your Officials database and your Sites database

September 29, 2021


Sent to

All Officials (Judges, Scorers/Calculators, Drivers, Homologators), EMS Federation and Discipline Administrators and Organisers




Special Edition “Officials”


Check your “My Jury Panel” account to see your invitations


Please check your “My Jury Panel” account on a regular basis and ACCEPT (or REJECT) the invitations that you receive to be an Official in Jury Panels of competitions. If not, you appear in the Competition Jury Panel of the internal Member Section with the status “Invited by Fed/Organiser” but your name is not published in the Public Calendar & Results. We plan to send you a mail when you are invited but this function is not yet in place. Thanks for your understanding.


Very important: Some Officials have been invited by their National Federations to become EMS users but have not confirmed their invitations yet. Please note that in this case you cannot login to EMS and ACCEPT/REJECT Jury Panel invitations nor can an invitation mail be sent to you. Also, you cannot request the participation in a Jury Panel of a competition which can be accepted/rejected in EMS by the Organisers. If you are not yet a confirmed EMS User, please contact your National EMS Federation Administrator.


Some additional tips for the Scorers/Calculators


-      As already mentioned, please do NOT register any Athletes or Officials directly in the scoring system as done in the past but register them in EMS and download them from EMS to the scoring system. It is possible to make a partial/incremental download from EMS with the last-minute entries and corrections just before the competition (see Newsletter #15) and therefore, there is no reason to register Officials or Athletes directly in the scoring system anymore. This is the only way to avoid missing information, errors and discrepancies in names, ID numbers, age categories, birth years, etc. Please note that the leading database is the one of EMS which is under the responsibility of the National Federations. For the same reason, we also recommend that all competitions including the non-ranking list ones are created in EMS and not in the scoring system anymore.


-      After uploading your results from the scoring system to EMS, please check if they appear in the public Calendar "Results Individual Classification" section of EMS to be sure that the upload has been successfully processed.


-      Currently you must publish your results from the scoring system to the E&A/IWSF websites and in EMS. We are aware that it is an additional temporary constraint for you and we are very grateful for your understanding that we are in a transition phase with the different websites involved and that it will become easier in the future when EMS will be the only website where results are uploaded/published and integrated into the Ranking Lists. By uploading your results now to the EMS, they will be part of the historical results in the Calendar and in the Athletes history. If you do not upload the 2021 and 2022 results in EMS you will miss them in the future.


EMS Mail Tool


Your EMS mails are now sent from a no-reply mailbox (no-reply-ems@iwwf.sport) and automatically show your e-mail address as contact at the beginning of your message. This should avoid that recipients mistakenly click “reply”, answering to the EMS System instead of replying to you.


You can now also send mails to your Waiting List participants.


Working for you! Here are a few EMS enhancements in preparation to ease your job


-      Livescores from the IWWF Scoring System

-      Upload of team results from the Scoring Systems

-      Replacement of current Ranking Lists Barefoot, Cableski, Disabled, Waterski and integration into EMS with additional functionalities:

o   Daily calculation of the Ranking Lists

o   Additional search criteria Country

o   Elimination of errors and duplications of Athlete ID’s

-      First Ranking Lists for the disciplines Wakeboard Boat and Wakesurf (not existing to-date)

-      Collection of Entry Fees for Organisers

-      Integration of the discipline Cable Wakeboard in EMS

-      Integration of Titled Events process in EMS (Entry List, Intention to Enter, Entry Fee collection)  

-      Various enhancements for more user comfort and support of the Sports Councils, etc.

-      Specific requirements from Athletes


And some home work for you next winter, in case you miss the water, sun and EMS…


Update your Officials database


-      To all Officials: Please update your personal contact details in EMS

-      To the Federation Administrators: Please update your National Officials database, register those who are not yet in, assign/update their roles and check their validity dates*

-      To the Discipline Administrators: Please update your International Officials database, register those who are not yet in, assign/update their roles and check their validity dates

-      Special Barefoot: All Officials (National and International) are centrally managed by the Officials Responsible of the World Barefoot Sports Council (contact: Mike Molepske) 


Update your Sites database


Update your sites: some of them have missing site information such as contact details, direction, pictures, etc. Some are also mistakenly registered two or several times in EMS (principally US sites due to data migration between the US system and EMS) but before deciding to delete a site that seems to be double, take into account that it may be used by several disciplines and there might be reasons (different locations and contact persons) to have several site numbers for the same site. We recommend to add the discipline in the Site name if different entries are created for the same Site to avoid mis-interpretations.


The history of the tournaments having taken place on each site is available on the EMS public page under “Sites”.




If you need more information about EMS please refer to the appropriate video tutorial which you can find on the EMS Home/Calendar screen or through the following website access https://ems.iwwf.sport/Legal/Resources . Please contact Peter Frei peterfrei@iwwf.sport  if you need a ZOOM demonstration on the EMS System.


The EMS Project Team

 EMS Newsletter 16.pdf