2024 South and East Regional Championship
Lake Myrtle, Auburndale, FL 26-28 Jul 2024
Competition Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/425177777597358
National competition
Code: 24USA100

Event Details(Homologation Level Planned)
Slalom RC 2 Rounds
Tricks RC 2 Rounds
Jump RC 2 Rounds
Age group USA
G/B A G/B B Int Mas Open Pro Sen SuV Vet W/M A W/M B W/M C

Type Open
Status Registration Open
Limit Unlimited
Deadline 22/07/2024
Divisions No
Open to foreign Skiers Yes
Cash Prize No

Jury Panel
Chief Judge STEBBEINGS Ashleigh AUS
Homologator GODFREY Duane CAN
Homologator GROEN Ben NZL
Judge ADAMS Megan USA
Judge BLANK Kelly AUS
Judge BOERMAN Carter USA
Judge DEAN Deanna USA
Judge GILMAN Betsy USA
Driver GILMAN Betsy USA
Driver GODFREY Duane CAN
Driver GROEN Ben NZL
Driver MEEKS Ronald USA
Scorer ADAMS Megan USA
Scorer BLANK Kelly AUS
Scorer DEAN Deanna USA
Scorer GILMAN Betsy USA
Scorer GODFREY Duane CAN
Scorer GROEN Ben NZL
Scorer STEBBEINGS Ashleigh AUS
Chief Driver MEEKS Ronald USA

Lake Myrtle
Country United States of America
Code USAX0900
Area Auburndale, FL
Name Betsy Gilman
Phone 7706537859
Email betsybarefoots@aol.com
Name Tina McCauley
Phone 3304180658
Email mccauleytina@gmail.com
Towboat Sanger Inboard
More info
Competition Information
  • Friday Site Famil & Jump 1 round (afternoon)
  • Saturday Tricks, Slalom 1 rounds Jump 2nd round
  • Sunday Tricks & Slalom 2nd rounds

Results Individual Classification

# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Schattschneider Owen RC *USA G/B A 10.9m 10.8m 1000.00 1000.00 10.80
# Bib Name HC Country Category Jump Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Schattschneider Owen *USA G/B A 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 3000.00 3000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Schattschneider Owen RC *USA G/B A 10.00 1000.00 1000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Schattschneider Owen RC *USA G/B A 1290 1080 1000.00 1000.00 1080.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Harrington Logan *USA G/B B 1000.00 1000.00 2000.00 2000.00
2 Dubs Maximillian *USA G/B B 50.00 50.00 50.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Harrington Logan RC *USA G/B B 5.10 2.20 1000.00 1000.00 2.20
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Harrington Logan RC *USA G/B B 1400 1000.00 1000.00
2 Dubs Maximillian RC *USA G/B B 70 50.00 50.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category
no data
# Bib Name HC Country Category Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Gunderson Brooke *USA G/B B 1000.00 1000.00 2000.00 2000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Gunderson Brooke RC *USA G/B B 2.40 1000.00 1000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Gunderson Brooke RC *USA G/B B 1390 1510 1000.00 1000.00 1510.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Groen Ben RC *NZL Int 24.8m 24.9m 1000.00 1000.00 24.90
2 Allen Brem RC *CAN Int 22.4m 19.6m 899.60 899.60 19.60
# Bib Name HC Country Category Jump Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Groen Ben *NZL Int 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 3000.00 3000.00
2 Allen Brem *CAN Int 899.60 909.09 425.18 2233.87 2233.87
3 Godfrey Duane *CAN Int 715.91 266.56 982.47 982.47
4 Baeyens Sascha *GER Int 420.45 140.64 561.09 561.09
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Groen Ben RC *NZL Int 12.00 17.60 1000.00 1000.00 17.60
2 Allen Brem RC *CAN Int 15.70 16.00 909.09 909.09 16.00
3 Godfrey Duane RC *CAN Int 11.50 12.60 715.91 715.91 12.60
4 Baeyens Sascha RC *GER Int 7.40 7.00 420.45 420.45 7.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Groen Ben RC *NZL Int 12230 10030 1000.00 1000.00 10030.00
2 Allen Brem RC *CAN Int 3600 5200 425.18 425.18 5200.00
3 Godfrey Duane RC *CAN Int 3260 2560 266.56 266.56 2560.00
4 Baeyens Sascha RC *GER Int 1500 1720 140.64 140.64 1720.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Blank Kelly RC *AUS Int 11.4m 10.8m 1000.00 1000.00 10.80
# Bib Name HC Country Category Jump Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Blank Kelly *AUS Int 1000.00 755.56 355.56 2111.12 2111.12
2 Stebbeings Ashleigh *AUS Int 1000.00 1000.00 2000.00 2000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Stebbeings Ashleigh RC *AUS Int 17.80 18.00 1000.00 1000.00 18.00
2 Blank Kelly RC *AUS Int 13.00 13.60 755.56 755.56 13.60
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Stebbeings Ashleigh RC *AUS Int 8400 9000 1000.00 1000.00 9000.00
2 Blank Kelly RC *AUS Int 3200 3100 355.56 355.56 3100.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Caserta Jess *USA Mas 1000.00 1000.00 2000.00 2000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Caserta Jess RC *USA Mas 7.45 1000.00 1000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Caserta Jess RC *USA Mas 540 1000.00 1000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Edwards Trey RC *USA M A 12.7m 1000.00 1000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Jump Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Edwards Trey *USA M A 1000.00 1000.00 878.79 2878.79 2878.79
2 Fipps Todd *USA M A 584.62 1000.00 1584.62 1584.62
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Edwards Trey RC *USA M A 13.00 1000.00 1000.00
2 Fipps Todd RC *USA M A 7.60 584.62 584.62
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Fipps Todd RC *USA M A 1650 1650 1000.00 1000.00 1650.00
2 Edwards Trey RC *USA M A 1450 878.79 878.79
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Krehling Derek RC *USA M B 0.00m 7.2m 947.37 947.37 7.20
2 Garrity John RC *USA M B 7.6m 1000.00 1000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Jump Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Garrity John *USA M B 1000.00 597.09 560.44 2157.53 2157.53
2 Krehling Derek *USA M B 947.37 274.76 923.08 2145.21 2145.21
3 Wood Billy *USA M B 1000.00 879.12 1879.12 1879.12
4 Blackburn Jason USA M B 796.12 1000.00 1796.12 1796.12
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Wood Billy RC *USA M B 10.30 1000.00 1000.00
2 Blackburn Jason RC USA M B 8.20 796.12 796.12
3 Garrity John RC *USA M B 6.15 597.09 597.09
4 Krehling Derek RC *USA M B 2.83 274.76 274.76
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Blackburn Jason RC USA M B 910 1000.00 1000.00
2 Krehling Derek RC *USA M B 840 923.08 923.08
3 Wood Billy RC *USA M B 800 879.12 879.12
4 Garrity John RC *USA M B 510 560.44 560.44
# Bib Name HC Country Category Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Dietz Dennis *USA M C 1000.00 1000.00 2000.00 2000.00
2 Harrington Courtney *USA M C 551.16 400.00 951.16 951.16
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Dietz Dennis RC *USA M C 4.30 1000.00 1000.00
2 Harrington Courtney RC *USA M C 2.37 551.16 551.16
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Dietz Dennis RC *USA M C 290 750 1000.00 1000.00 750.00
2 Harrington Courtney RC *USA M C 300 400.00 400.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Yoder Michael RC *USA Open 21.7m 22.3m 1000.00 1000.00 22.30
# Bib Name HC Country Category Jump Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Yoder Michael *USA Open 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 3000.00 3000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Yoder Michael RC *USA Open 13.20 14.00 1000.00 1000.00 14.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Yoder Michael RC *USA Open 2150 1840 1000.00 1000.00 1840.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Meskers Broderick RC *USA Pro 19.5m 23.3m 1000.00 1000.00 23.30
2 Swanbom Brett RC *USA Pro 17.8m 22.8m 978.54 978.54 22.80
3 Lee Jason RC *USA Pro 21.3m 20.9m 914.16 914.16 20.90
4 Kinnaman Noah RC *USA Pro 18.3m 19.4m 832.62 832.62 19.40
5 Brzoza William RC *USA Pro 22.9m 982.83 982.83
6 Boerman Carter RC *USA Pro 19.0m 0.00m 815.45 815.45
# Bib Name HC Country Category Jump Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Swanbom Brett *USA Pro 978.54 931.58 972.35 2882.47 2882.47
2 Kinnaman Noah *USA Pro 832.62 884.21 1000.00 2716.83 2716.83
3 Meskers Broderick *USA Pro 1000.00 1000.00 661.75 2661.75 2661.75
4 Brzoza William *USA Pro 982.83 842.11 193.55 2018.49 2018.49
5 Boerman Carter *USA Pro 815.45 842.11 345.62 2003.18 2003.18
6 Lee Jason *USA Pro 914.16 914.16 914.16
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Meskers Broderick RC *USA Pro 17.80 19.00 1000.00 1000.00 19.00
2 Swanbom Brett RC *USA Pro 17.20 17.70 931.58 931.58 17.70
3 Kinnaman Noah RC *USA Pro 13.80 16.80 884.21 884.21 16.80
4 Boerman Carter RC *USA Pro 14.60 16.00 842.11 842.11 16.00
5 Brzoza William RC *USA Pro 16.00 842.11 842.11 16.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Kinnaman Noah RC *USA Pro 9400 10850 1000.00 1000.00 10850.00
2 Swanbom Brett RC *USA Pro 8400 10550 972.35 972.35 10550.00
3 Meskers Broderick RC *USA Pro 3700 7180 661.75 661.75 7180.00
4 Boerman Carter RC *USA Pro 3750 2130 345.62 345.62 2130.00
5 Brzoza William RC *USA Pro 2100 193.55 193.55
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Adams Megan RC *USA Open 12.1m 11.9m 1000.00 1000.00 11.90
# Bib Name HC Country Category Jump Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Adams Megan *USA Open 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 3000.00 3000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Adams Megan RC *USA Open 10.70 9.90 1000.00 1000.00 9.90
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Adams Megan RC *USA Open 3000 2350 1000.00 1000.00 2350.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Ellis Matt *USA Sen 1000.00 1000.00 2000.00 2000.00
2 Wicks Daniel *USA Sen 553.57 516.67 1070.24 1070.24
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Ellis Matt RC *USA Sen 5.60 1000.00 1000.00
2 Wicks Daniel RC *USA Sen 3.10 553.57 553.57
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Ellis Matt RC *USA Sen 600 1000.00 1000.00
2 Wicks Daniel RC *USA Sen 310 516.67 516.67
# Bib Name HC Country Category Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Jackson Carol USA Sen 1000.00 1000.00 2000.00 2000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Jackson Carol RC USA Sen 4.90 1000.00 1000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Jackson Carol RC USA Sen 750 1000.00 1000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Hager Al *USA SuV 1000.00 1000.00 2000.00 2000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Hager Al RC *USA SuV 2.48 1000.00 1000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Hager Al RC *USA SuV 100 1000.00 1000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Cornish John *USA Vet 1000.00 1000.00 2000.00 2000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Cornish John RC *USA Vet 10.00 1000.00 1000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Cornish John RC *USA Vet 900 1000.00 1000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 2 Overall TeamOverall Points
1 Gilman Betsy RC *USA W A 8.4m 1000.00 1000.00 8.40
# Bib Name HC Country Category Jump Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Gilman Betsy *USA W A 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 3000.00 3000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Gilman Betsy RC *USA W A 5.25 1000.00 1000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Gilman Betsy RC *USA W A 960 1000.00 1000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Slalom Tricks Overall Points
1 Dean Deanna *USA W B 1000.00 1000.00 2000.00 2000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Dean Deanna RC *USA W B 3.23 1000.00 1000.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Round 1 Overall TeamOverall
1 Dean Deanna RC *USA W B 510 1000.00 1000.00