INTL 3 STAR Krk Handi Wake 2022
Cable Krk, Cablewake, Kornic 18 Sep 2022
Cable Wakeboard
Code: 22CRO205

Event Details(Homologation Level Planned)
Age group
Open U14

Type Open
Status Registration Closed
Limit Unlimited
Divisions No
Open to foreign Skiers No
Cash Prize No

Jury Panel
No data

Cable Krk, Cablewake
Country Slovenia
Code SLOCW005
Area Kornic
No data
No data
More info
Competition Information
  • Dear riders,<br>
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  • due to horrible weather we will start the event tomorrow, Saturday 17 September at 16 hours.<br>
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  • Whoever can't come to register on site today, please ring us at +385 91 2627302 and we will arrange the late registration for you tomorrow between 12 and 14 hours.<br>
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  • Finals will be held Sunday 18 September.<br>
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  • <b>For Croatian & Slovenian Nationals information, please visit the <a href="">competition page</a></b><br>

Results Individual Classification

# Bib Name HC Country Category Points
1 Gacic Marco 3 STAR INT CRO Open 74.67
2 Dekovic Vinko Gracija 3 STAR INT CRO Open 71.00
3 Kohl Benjamin 3 STAR INT SLO Open 56.33
4 Skrjanec Vid 3 STAR INT SLO Open 40.00
5 Tus Gregor 3 STAR INT SLO Open 35.00
6 Grbic Sasa 3 STAR INT SLO Open 20.00
# Bib Name HC Country Category Points
1 Tus Nala 3 STAR INT SLO U14 55.67
2 Zic Katarina 3 STAR INT CRO U14 40.00
3 sivieri matilde 3 STAR INT ITA U14 30.00
4 Gesualdo Sofia 3 STAR INT ITA U14 25.33
5 Zic Petra 3 STAR INT CRO U14 22.33
# Bib Name HC Country Category Points
1 Stolfa Sebastien CZE U14 74.67
2 Kodelja Max 3 STAR INT SLO U14 68.67
3 Kopic Karlo 3 STAR INT CRO U14 64.67
4 Terzic Rene 3 STAR INT CRO U14 49.67
5 Trbizan Luka 3 STAR INT SLO U14 32.67
6 Schmidt Jacob 3 STAR INT CRO U14 20.00